Closing the Wage Gap Between Male & Female Partners
The 44% pay gap between male and female law firm partners, documented in last week’s survey from legal search firm Major, Lindsey & Africa, got a lot of attention in the business press.
Most agree it’s a problem. But whose problem is it to...
Coaching Attorneys on ‘Having It All’
There is much to be said for the virtue of having it all, but not all of it at once.
For many attorneys transitioning into the middle years of their careers, moving from being associates to becoming partners, there is a sense that professional responsibilities explode – having to keep up billable hours, delivering work, while also spending time developing client relationships that lead to more work – at the exact same time that personal responsibilities do as well. Balancing...
Likable Enough?
Whatever else might be true about Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, she is a model of dogged persistence. And, in that, her career is an object lesson in what it takes to advance in the legal profession.
An entire sub-industry of consultants and sales trainers claims to have determined the secret sauce of law firm success. Their advice, all too often, sounds very much like the “insights” that pundits and talking heads offer up about Clinton: that she needs to be...
The Secret of the Accidental Entrepreneur
It might surprise you to learn that, as a child, I did not dream of growing up to run a successful legal PR firm.
I wanted to be president of the United States, writer of the Great American Novel, editor of The New York Times and a card-carrying member of the ACLU. Also: tall. I really wanted to be tall. In adulthood, I have achieved exactly one of those goals. (Some hints: I am still short and not seeking elected office.)
Along the way, though, I...