Category: Content Creation

Does Your Firm Have a Reputation Management Strategy?

December 16, 2024

To be effective, reputation management needs to be proactive, not just reactive. That means your law firm has to do more than just defend itself after being criticized online. Anticipating areas where you may be vulnerable and implementing systems to catch problems before they start will help you control the narrative about your organization. Without a strategy in place, your firm could unwittingly find itself struggling to manage a crisis that could have been...

BLUF Your Communications and Avoid TL;DR

November 11, 2024

Communicating clearly and concisely is especially important for law firm marketers trying to engage incredibly busy people. Getting the attention of lawyers, clients and our own colleagues — people managing multiple deadlines and putting out last-minute fires — requires cutting through the noise to connect. Applying the military acronym BLUF — “bottom line up...

Use LinkedIn’s Algorithm Changes to Expand the Reach of Your Content

September 23, 2024

If boosting engagement with your firm’s LinkedIn content is on your to-do list, you’re in a luck. We have the scoop on changes LinkedIn has made to its algorithm in recent months that give users more opportunities to reach targeted audiences. Here are some key changes that can help you get the most from the platform and bolster your firm’s overall content...

A Round-Up of the Latest AP Stylebook Updates

September 3, 2024

Keeping up with new terminology is important in our industry. We consider the Associated Press Stylebook’s new terms and the AP’s evolving approach to existing entries as more than updated writing and editing rules. The changes reflect shifting societal and cultural norms. As the chief editor of Black’s Law Dictionary — also newly updated with its 12th edition — emphasized in a podcast...

Unlock the Power of Owned Content

May 20, 2024

The “O” in the PESO model (the four types of media representing the full interconnected landscape of channels for distributing your firm’s messages) stands for “owned,” the content your firm creates and distributes itself. Building an effective media plan has to begin with creating great owned content because without it you cannot activate the three other media types (paid, social and earned).
