Category: Best Practices

Unlock the Power of Owned Content

May 20, 2024

The “O” in the PESO model (the four types of media representing the full interconnected landscape of channels for distributing your firm’s messages) stands for “owned,” the content your firm creates and distributes itself. Building an effective media plan has to begin with creating great owned content because without it you cannot activate the three other media types (paid, social and earned).


Is Your Firm Culture Inclusive Enough to Accommodate Ramadan?

February 20, 2024

The concept of “inclusion” often gets flattened into a shorthand for things like the language firms use around gender or sponsoring firm events that do not take place at country clubs — both very important considerations, by the way — but true inclusion means so much more. The time of year is a good time to revisit this striking

Will Large Firms Ever Crack the Code on Gender Equity?

November 27, 2023

A recent Financial Times piece highlighting the continued failure of large law firms to create sustainable paths to leadership for women has us shaking our heads. We have been following this issue for a long (long!) time, and it's frustrating to hear up-and-coming lawyers complaining about the same grueling working conditions and outdated performance metrics that foreclosed opportunities for lawyers from their mothers'...

Demystifying In-House Titles

October 2, 2023

Like it or not, we’re in a title-centric profession. And it can be confusing — especially when you’re new to the legal industry — to distinguish among the many possible titles for in-house lawyer positions.

For legal marketers and business development professionals who regularly reach out to in-house departments, it can be tough to know the difference between Senior Counsel, Managing Counsel, and Chief Legal Counsel, to name just a few....