Author: page2comm

What Is the Future of Performance Feedback?

July 22, 2024

Annual performance reviews are out, and daily feedback is in. With a new generation of leaders shaping how employee performance evaluations are conducted, the Wall Street Journal recently looked at companies that are replacing annual reviews with real-time assessments. The idea is to help employees be more productive by giving them opportunities to make...

What Does “Executive Presence” Mean in 2024?

June 10, 2024

Expecting law firm leaders to demonstrate a strong “executive presence” isn’t new. What’s changing is the definition of executive presence — and the skills you need to demonstrate it.

Traditionally, leaders who exhibited executive presence were those with the hard-to-define quality of “gravitas.” (In practice, this word often was synonymous with “male.”) Solid communication skills as well as looking and dressing the...

Happy Pride!

June 3, 2024

How will your firm celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June? The history of the struggle for LGBTQ+ liberation is interwoven with the practice of law, and the greatest moments of progress throughout the past century have come as a result of advocacy both within and outside the legal system. Take a moment to revisit:

  • The 1924 founding of the United States' first chartered organization dedicated to gay rights by WWI army veteran Henry Gerber, whose home in Chicago's Old Town...

Men Are Responsible for Fostering Gender Inclusion

May 27, 2024

This should not be a radical statement, but in many corners of the legal industry, it still is. It seems obvious that women and men should share responsibility for creating more inclusive workplaces. Yet most gender-inclusion programs still focus on how women should navigate the workplace differently to overcome obstacles they face due to sexism. Gender bias may be tougher to overcome in the legal profession than in other industries. The law firm model “views women as inherently...