Author: page2comm

How Law Schools Are Embracing AI

September 30, 2024

As generative AI and other AI tools gain traction in our industry, law firms are exploring how to use them to streamline operations and boost productivity. We’ve been curious about how law schools are getting students practice ready with AI skills to meet their future employers’ needs. According to responses to this survey on how law schools are integrating AI technology...

Use LinkedIn’s Algorithm Changes to Expand the Reach of Your Content

September 23, 2024

If boosting engagement with your firm’s LinkedIn content is on your to-do list, you’re in a luck. We have the scoop on changes LinkedIn has made to its algorithm in recent months that give users more opportunities to reach targeted audiences. Here are some key changes that can help you get the most from the platform and bolster your firm’s overall content...

Election Season Media Interviews: Pro Tips

September 16, 2024

As campaign season heats up, journalists in legal and business media are looking for informed perspectives on what’s at stake. These interviews can be a great way to demonstrate thought leadership, but they’re also fraught with the possibility of alienating potential clients. How can you navigate media opportunities that will promote your practice without causing offense? Know who you’re talking to and why. If you haven’t heard of — or don’t trust — a...

Hispanic Heritage Month: What’s in a Name?

September 9, 2024

Do you know why Hispanic Heritage Month starts in the middle of the month on Sept. 15? It’s when Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica celebrate their national independence days. The date is also close to independence anniversaries for Mexico, Chile and Belize. The timing offers a hint as to why Hispanic Heritage Month’s name is controversial — the term “Hispanic” has a complicated history, and opinions...

A Round-Up of the Latest AP Stylebook Updates

September 3, 2024

Keeping up with new terminology is important in our industry. We consider the Associated Press Stylebook’s new terms and the AP’s evolving approach to existing entries as more than updated writing and editing rules. The changes reflect shifting societal and cultural norms. As the chief editor of Black’s Law Dictionary — also newly updated with its 12th edition — emphasized in a podcast...