Author: page2comm

What Is the Future of Performance Feedback?

July 22, 2024

Annual performance reviews are out, and daily feedback is in. With a new generation of leaders shaping how employee performance evaluations are conducted, the Wall Street Journal recently looked at companies that are replacing annual reviews with real-time assessments. The idea is to help employees be more productive by giving them opportunities to make...

Best Practices for Disability Inclusion

July 15, 2024

We’ve talked before about how law firms should prioritize disability inclusion. Ahead of National Disability Independence Day on July 26 — a federally recognized day to celebrate the 1990 signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) — we wanted to round up some of the best practices for creating inclusion for people with disabilities.


Workplace Wellness Programs Are Falling Short

June 24, 2024

Giving lawyers a subscription to a wellness app doesn’t improve their mental health — especially if firms still expect them to work 80 hours a week. Yet some lawyers believe that if they use workplace mental health interventions and still feel stressed, it’s their fault. A recent study of workplace wellness programs found that employees participating in them were no better off than colleagues who...