Category: Firm Culture

Helping Firm Leaders Bridge Generational Gaps with Effective Communications

July 29, 2024

Most law firms’ employees and clients are a blend of four generations: Boomers, Gen Z-ers, Gen X-ers and Millennials. Communicating effectively with digital natives and non-digital natives is among the challenges of intergenerational workplaces.

Communicators and marketers can help firm leaders build a framework to bridge generational gaps. Ragan has...

What Is the Future of Performance Feedback?

July 22, 2024

Annual performance reviews are out, and daily feedback is in. With a new generation of leaders shaping how employee performance evaluations are conducted, the Wall Street Journal recently looked at companies that are replacing annual reviews with real-time assessments. The idea is to help employees be more productive by giving them opportunities to make...

Workplace Wellness Programs Are Falling Short

June 24, 2024

Giving lawyers a subscription to a wellness app doesn’t improve their mental health — especially if firms still expect them to work 80 hours a week. Yet some lawyers believe that if they use workplace mental health interventions and still feel stressed, it’s their fault. A recent study of workplace wellness programs found that employees participating in them were no better off than colleagues who...