Author: page2comm

Ask an Associate: Why Did You Become a Lawyer?

October 17, 2022

Why did you become a lawyer? It’s a straightforward question that can be a simple — but effective — tool in law firms’ war for talent.

That’s because lawyers’ answers to the question of what motivates them may provide insights into how firms can retain them. Not all young lawyers are motivated by the same things, despite the generalizations we all sometimes make...

The Business Case for Empathy and Employee Wellness

October 11, 2022

Is law firm empathy for employees “sustainable”? (What a weird question!) Most firms implemented cultural changes to adapt during the pandemic, and recently explored whether they will endure if there’s an economic downturn.

During the pandemic, firms pivoted to remote working and flexible schedules, and prioritized employees’ mental health. Many firms also invested in DEI...

How to Mark World Mental Health Day

October 3, 2022

Judging by the number of recent surveys and legal media articles on the topic, awareness of mental health struggles in the legal profession is higher than ever. Many law firms now have “wellness” tabs on their websites, sponsor mental health awareness events and campaigns, and donate to organizations that provide support. Whether these efforts will translate into more support for struggling lawyers remains to be seen, but it’s clear that far more substantive change is required to make...