Category: Best Practices

Back to Basics

June 26, 2018

In our work with law firm leaders, we’ve learned that they recognize the power of PR to trumpet the firm’s achievements to members of the legal industry but often don’t understand how PR can and should function within the firm.

Public relations—engaging professionals to craft media strategy, facilitate thought leadership and brand management, and celebrate the accomplishments of attorneys—can be a powerful firm management tool when leaders understand how it is perceived and...

How to See Your Firm Through Your Clients’ Eyes

June 12, 2018

Most law firms tend to view their reputation through the narrow lens of expertise; that is, if a firm provides its clients with excellent, reliable counsel on the matters that affect the client’s bottom line, that firm can rest assured that the relationship is secure. Whatever else may be happening—or not happening—within the firm’s walls is irrelevant.

Maybe that was true in the past, but these days big corporations, firms’ most desired clients, are exquisitely tuned in to...

The Photos on Your Law Firm Website Don’t Have to Look Like Law Firm Website Photos

February 7, 2017

Where are visitors to your law firm website spending their time? Not on that carefully crafted value proposition statement you put on the homepage.  And not on that “About our Practice” page that you and your partners fought over for a couple weeks solid. Nope.  They’re looking at your bio.  And, more specifically, at the picture on your bio page.  You know the one?  Where you tried for a smile that said “nice” but in a “zealous advocate” kind of way?  Where the...