Category: Social Media

4 Ways to Show Thought Leadership on LinkedIn

May 7, 2020

Demonstrating thought leadership in your area of expertise is one of the best ways to grow and promote your practice. Many times, when we think of someone showing thought leadership, we might think of a senior professor or high-profile consultant or CEO writing a lengthy article for a law review or the Harvard Business Journal. But thought leadership can come from people at many different phases of their careers and can manifest itself in many ways beyond academic articles. Thought...

How to Craft the Perfect LinkedIn Headline

April 27, 2020

Gone (for now) are the days of meetings, conferences and networking events that we used to rely on for typical business development. Instead, social media tools like LinkedIn are more important than ever for keeping your name top of mind for the key stakeholders you want to reach. Crafting a complete LinkedIn profile will take some time and effort, but if marketing yourself is a priority, then this is an essential step in your personal business development plan. Fortunately, Page 2 can...

Business Development in the Time of COVID-19

March 31, 2020

As professionals across all industries head into week three of working in isolation (many of them while simultaneously caring for family members without the help of school, child care and other community support), they are battling twin challenges:

Fatigue: The first week we were fueled by pure adrenaline. The second, by incredulity that the whole thing was still going on. But now, like Phil Connors, Bill Murray’s character in the movie Groundhog Day,...

Run Your Social Accounts Like a Pro

February 10, 2020

Are you sold on the benefits of creating engaging social media accounts to help you connect with colleagues and clients, but you aren’t sure exactly what to post and when? Our social media expert Taryn Butler has created a detailed guide to LinkedIn and Twitter for our clients. Here’s a sneak peek:


The tone on LinkedIn is buttoned up and professional.

  • It’s important to have both an active...

Tweet Others the Way You’d Want to Be Tweeted

April 2, 2019

As we’ve noted, more attorneys are using social media to promote their practices and keep up with current industry trends. Such a surge in Twitter use has led to the formation of new online legal communities, according to recent article “Law in the Time of Twitter: Do Chatty Lawyers Help or Hinder Their Legal Careers?” Attorneys can share stories, keep up with national cases, and engage with...