We’ve been hearing from some law leaders who have been surprised to learn that not all the employees of their firms are on the same page about when in-office work can and should safely resume. While many partners are champing at the bit to get back to normal, others continue to face challenges at home that make “normal” impossible. A third cohort reports having found a new rhythm and efficiency in working from home and does not relish going back to normal.
Author: page2comm
Up Your Game on Zoom: The Basics
After months of working from home, I’m sure many of us have had to do some form of videoconferencing, whether that be with Zoom, WebEx, etc. Tools like Zoom have allowed us to stay connected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s probably safe to say that a significant number of us had little to no experience using it before now.
If you are still trying to get the hang of it, that is totally OK! Page 2 is here to go over some basics, tips, tricks and best practices so you have...
What We Say When We Are Silent
Last week, we, like many of our clients, paused our external communications. In the early days of what has become a national and sustained movement for change, it felt essential to ensure that the most important voices — Black voices — were heard loud and clear without interference.
Internal communications went on, of course, and the best statements to employees directly acknowledged the systemic injustices in this...
The Yale Law Women published their 2020 survey of Top Firms for Gender Equity and Family Friendliness in what is likely the most tumultuous spring law firms have seen in a very long time. In addition to the many challenges women lawyers already faced in protecting and advancing their careers (outlined in detailed statistics and survey responses included in the report), it is now clear that Covid-19...
Attorneys can demonstrate “thought leadership” in many forms and forums, from interviews to panel discussions to well-crafted posts on social media. When they share insights informed by their experience and understanding of clients’ business challenges, attorneys can build their profile as a leading voice in their industry or practice.
The gold standard for thought leadership is securing an opportunity to publish a bylined article in a prominent and respected industry journal....