Author: page2comm

A Tale of Two Narratives: How You Frame D&I Efforts Matters Almost as Much as What You Do

May 10, 2019

When it comes to law firm diversity efforts, it may seem fairly obvious that the most important indicator of progress is the hard numbers: Are firms building more diverse teams, and is that diversity present throughout the hierarchy, from the managing partner level down through the associates? Of course it’s true that we can look to the stats to gauge success. The proof is (or, more accurately, will or will not be) in the pudding.

But on this (long, long) road, another more nuanced...

Can Your Firm Take a Joke?

May 7, 2019

When companies first began to embrace social media platforms like Twitter about decade ago, they did so cautiously and in the same carefully crafted language they used in their other marketing materials. But because the tone of their communications didn’t match the tone of these platforms, the efforts mostly fell flat, ignored or sometimes even ridiculed for their stodginess in the form of “Who let Dad go on the internet?”

But as marketing departments have developed a more...

New Rules for Public Apologies

May 1, 2019

Joe Biden’s apology to Anita Hill last week about his role in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing was not very effective—and, according to Hill, it cannot even be called an apology at all.

In a time-honored embrace of the passive voice, Biden expressed regret for “what happened to” Hill, as if her treatment at the hands of the Senate Judiciary Committee—chaired by Biden...

Do Recruits Know That Your Firm “Gets It”?

April 23, 2019

“There’s no question that this generation operates differently than their predecessors, and the law firms that are best situated for future growth are the ones that are open to changing the status quo.”

This prediction comes from Ru Bhatt, managing director of Major Lindsey’s associate practice group, in his recent statement on the results of the 2019 Millennial Attorney...