Have You Seen Our New Resources Page?

February 15, 2023

You may have noticed that Page 2 has a new website. Please take a look around and let us know what you think!

We have so much to say about the process of getting this new site up and running — from the planning and drafting to finding vendors, making edits and troubleshooting, and finally scheduling a launch — and we plan to share those insights soon. But today we want to focus on one aspect of the new site we are very excited about, the Resources page.

Over the many years we’ve spent helping law firms articulate a vision for growth and tell their stories to the clients they serve, we have gathered some of our most helpful tools, tips and process notes on

  • Media Training — Page 2 can create media training tailored to the needs of your leaders or teams. Read more.
  • Thought Leadership — Publishing on owned or earned channels is an important pillar of any good content plan. We can take the pain out of the process. Here’s how we can help.
  • Expert Sources — Are you a reporter looking for experts on a specific legal practice or industry? Check out our expert source guide.
  • Social Media — As law firm marketers know all too well, the strength of your social content depends on the raw material you get from lawyers in your firm. This content collection form can help you draw out the most compelling details and plan out a social calendar that fuels engagement on LinkedIn.
  • Inclusive PR — How do you make sure marketing and business development opportunities are distributed fairly across you firm? Read our best practices for creating an inclusive PR plan.
  • Awards — Awards season is well underway — or maybe it never really ends. Looking to get more organized and strategic with your nominations this year? We’ve got a guide for that too.

We love sharing what we’ve learned with colleagues and clients. Is there a topic you’d like to see covered here? Let us know!