Author: page2comm

Page 2’s Michael Sandler on Becoming a “Sports Dad”

June 21, 2022

Most of our clients know Michael Sandler from his top-notch media relations skills. But Michael’s personal resume includes another high-stakes matter — navigating his role as a “sports dad.” Below he shares his philosophy for supporting his son’s t-ball efforts.

My six-year-old son Jackson reached a milestone this week: He played in his first official t-ball game. He had already been playing on a soccer team, so my wife and I are now figuring out how best to manage...

Page 2 Celebrates Juneteenth

June 20, 2022

In recognition of the federal holiday commemorating the announcement of the end of slavery, in Galveston Bay, Texas, on June 19, 1865, Page 2 will be closed on June 20.

While slavery had officially ended with the Emancipation Proclamation more than two years earlier, the news took a long time to reach the people longing to hear it. To learn more about this holiday and its history, we highly recommend "

Your Brand Is Bigger Than Your Superstars

June 16, 2022

It’s safe to say that the world does not need any more Depp v. Heard analysis, but one piece of news following the trial caught our attention. Camille Vasquez, who represented Johnny Depp in his defamation claim against Amber Heard, was just promoted to partner at her firm, Brown Rudnick. In addition to delivering a win for her client, Vasquez deftly...

In Remembrance: Urvashi Vaid

June 13, 2022

In honor of Pride Month, we’re remembering attorney, author and champion of LGBTQ+ rights Urvashi Vaid, who died last month following a career dedicated to fighting for equality.

The impact of Vaid’s pioneering work extends from the AIDS era to gay rights and the civil rights movement. As The New York Times explained: “Long before the...

Page 2’s Monica Stabile on Working With Kittens

June 6, 2022

Most of our clients know Monica Stabile from her service as an account executive. But she keeps busy outside work too, as a volunteer for several animal welfare groups.

I volunteer at The Anti-Cruelty Society, the largest animal shelter in Illinois, where I train other volunteers on how to socialize kittens to help them develop into friendly and confident...