Category: DEI

How Marketing Can Ease Parental-Leave Transitions

January 10, 2022

Because many Big Law firms offer generous paid parental leave benefits and flexible schedules, it can seem from the outside that these workplaces are friendly to lawyers who plan to have children while pursuing the traditional path to partner, as recently reported in Law360. But while new parents may have control over where they do their work, they still face intense pressure to meet billable-hour targets if they want...

How to Improve Representation in Your Visual Communications

December 6, 2021

Marketing images have always overrepresented young, thin, able-bodied, straight, white and cis-gendered people. But as the world becomes increasingly diverse, it’s important to use images that look like the audience you communicate with. That includes the photos your firm uses on its website, social media, and in internal and external communication.

Why Diverse Images Are Important

Representing different kinds of people is important because it affects how...

The Case Against “Imposter Syndrome”

October 25, 2021

Given that the legal industry is at least a decade behind the rest of the work world in acknowledging and attempting to address important cultural problems, I guess we should be grateful that legal publications and conferences now promote a steady stream of content designed to support women in their heroic battle against imposter syndrome. The problem is, the way this "syndrome" is framed — an individual problem that mostly women must overcome — is awfully...

What Law Firms Need to Know About Discrimination Based on Hairstyle

September 27, 2021

Beautiful. Boundless. Political. Art. Black hair in its natural state of kinks and coils is as unique as it is versatile. This uniqueness and versatility yields styles such as locs and braids. Unfortunately, they're labeled as “unprofessional hairstyles” in some workplaces. Many companies still use policies that favor a Eurocentric standard and use coded language such as "neat," "well-groomed," "polished," or “not distracting.” This language privileges certain...