Category: Best Practices

Have You Seen Our New Resources Page?

February 15, 2023

You may have noticed that Page 2 has a new website. Please take a look around and let us know what you think!

We have so much to say about the process of getting this new site up and running — from the planning and drafting to finding vendors, making edits and troubleshooting, and finally scheduling a launch — and we plan to share those insights soon. But today we want to focus on one aspect of the new site we are very excited...

Bring Order to the Chaos of Version Control

February 13, 2023

It’s an all-too-common law firm scene: An award nomination is due, and three partners are simultaneously reviewing it. They make their own edits without seeing their colleagues’ changes, then share their version with the person responsible for reconciling the edits. We’ve all been there. Version control chaos may be unavoidable when you’re closing in on a deadline. But a few proactive steps can help marketers bring order to the chaos of the review process. Streamline the...

How Marketing Delivers During a Recession

December 19, 2022

As the current economic slowdown continues to impact the legal industry, law firm leaders are making tough choices, scrutinizing everything from staffing to technology as they plan budgets for 2023 and beyond.

This means marketing professionals need to be prepared to show why their work is a must-have, not a nice-to-have, in fostering firm success....

How Midsize Firms Can Land Big Law Refugees

December 5, 2022

During the height of last year’s war for talent, AmLaw 50 firms wooed the country’s top associates with promises of flexible work arrangements and unprecedented compensation packages. Unfortunately those young lawyers are now experiencing just how quickly their leverage can disappear when the market takes a turn. Firms that hired aggressively in 2021 are reconsidering their staffing needs, and the layoffs have already begun.

As a