Author: page2comm

Spotlight: Julie Gurney, Benesch

May 29, 2018

At Page 2, we understand and value the crucial role marketing directors play in helping law firms articulate and communicate their brand to the marketplace. Today, we want to introduce you to one of the best, Julie Gurney, Director of Marketing and Communications at Benesch. Julie is responsible for the overall strategy, daily management and implementation of global strategic communications for this powerhouse firm, which recently opened an office in Chicago. We wanted to hear more from...

What Firms Need to Be Saying About Equal Pay

May 22, 2018

As of 2017, any company in the UK with more than 250 employees is required to report figures about its gender pay gap to the government and publish the information on the company website. Of course, as of now the United States has no such requirement. But this new development does pose an interesting question for international firms with UK and US offices: how will they justify continued lack of transparency stateside at the same time they are complying with UK requirements?


Bridge the Generation Gap

May 15, 2018

Aka, How to communicate that your firm is not a dinosaur.

For the most part, law firm leaders have come to understand that lawyers on the job market in 2018 have different needs and expectations than lawyers twenty or even ten years ago—and that firms had better get down to business on creating a more progressive workplace culture if they want to attract and retain top talent. But how can law firms, especially well-established firms perceived to be stuck in the past, communicate...

What to Say When Your Instinct Is to Say Nothing

April 23, 2018

Firm leaders must recognize the importance of communications in this time of greater transparency and accountability.

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about the deafening silence American Lawyer reporters Meghan Tribe and Hank Grezlak experienced when just 13 of the Am Law 100 firms responded to repeated requests for information on internal harassment policies. “

Lawyers? On Twitter? That’s So Crazy It Just Might Work

December 21, 2017

There were many, ahem, notable legal developments in 2017, but one that stands out for us, as legal PR professionals, is that this is the year when “Twitter for lawyers” stopped being a novelty and became a serious cultural force.

The year began with the once-unthinkable hashtag #helpthelawyers trending in a major way, thanks to the incredible work of the “airport lawyers” who devoted themselves to providing assistance to travelers and families impacted by...