Category: Business Development

Networking in a Hybrid World — Part II

January 29, 2024

In our previous post on networking, we talked about how to deepen your relationships with existing contacts by reframing networking as an ongoing effort to connect with others, rather than merely a self-interested transaction. But what about when you are looking to expand your network by initiating new relationships? This has always been a tricky aspect of networking, and the hybrid work world has only made it more challenging. If it has been a while since you’ve ventured out, or if you...

Networking in a Hybrid World — Part I

January 22, 2024

We tend to think of networking in purely transactional terms (“What can this person do for me?”) which is why many people dread it. Asking for something from someone you have no relationship with feels distasteful for a reason — because it is! But reframing networking as relationship building, an ongoing effort to connect with others, can make it feel a little less intimidating and a little more appealing. Consider what makes for a successful relationship: authenticity, generosity, and...

Attorneys Who Quit Become Prospects

November 20, 2023

A 2022 Leopard Solutions report shows — unsurprisingly — that women lawyers continue to leave Big Law for in-house jobs or positions with smaller firms. The reasons why are familiar: Essentially, the pressure at the largest firms to maximize billable hours incentivizes a type of work (crisis focused) and approach to work (reactive instead of proactive) that lead to unpredictable schedules and unsustainable demands. Firms that have failed to address...

Demystifying In-House Titles

October 2, 2023
Kelly McNees

Like it or not, we’re in a title-centric profession. And it can be confusing — especially when you’re new to the legal industry — to distinguish among the many possible titles for in-house lawyer positions.

For legal marketers and business development professionals who regularly reach out to in-house departments, it can be tough to know the difference between Senior Counsel, Managing Counsel, and Chief Legal Counsel, to name just a few....

How to Craft More Effective Client Alerts

September 25, 2023
Kelly McNees

Client alerts: Effective business development tool, or time-consuming project that delivers minimal value? As with most communication efforts, it depends — in this case, on how well you understand the purpose of alerts and what your audience needs and wants from them, and then how well your process produces alerts that meet those objectives. Based on some actual client alerts we’ve seen out in the wild lately, whoa nelly, is it time for a